Tuesday, August 19, 2008

And the countdown begins…

It seems like everyone in the blogosphere is talking about this chocolate chip cookie recipe from The New York Times. Well, we wanted to eat them so I got to work tonight. With a 36 hour refrigeration period, the earliest Broccoli and I will be able to sample these for breakfast at work will be *Friday*! So I heeded his words when he instructed me "not to get distracted" this evening. Let the chilling begin.


Cupcake said...

YUM. Did you take a little taste of the cookie dough? Will Broccoli be putting a couple of those cookies in his suitcase for Fusilli and myself?

Lois Kim said...

We will do our best to save you and Fusilli a bite!! But don't hold me to it!

Cupcake said...

I can't wait to see a photo of the freshly baked cookie(s)! Maybe Fusilli and I will have to bake our own in Vegas! Will add to the list of "supplies". I'm sure we'll need some late night munchies.

Lois Kim said...

Yah, but no instant gratification with these cookes… 36 hours!!!